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Rome'n Holiday Carless in LA, and so help me, my radio is stuck on 1150 AM. Borrowed an '83 Volvo from my friend Sarah, which was really nice of her, but it only gets one AM station, KXTA, and one FM station, KZLA, which I can handle. I don't listen before 9 a.m. and I have no idea who's on then, which is probably a good thing. Then of course, Rome, who I love. I'm as good a clone as anyone, but I have to say, when Rome's not there, it's just a god-awful piece of crap. No better measure of a host's value, I suppose, is what happens to his show when he's elsewhere, and the Jungle is a great example. Listened for a week this last time and still don't know who that guy was. You've got to introduce yourself more than once an hour when you're subbing for Rome, an extra time or two for your listeners driving by two-story buildings in Los Angeles. With 1150, you almost have to. Anyway. When Rome goes in the basement or has a baby or takes a sick day, the clones bail too, and all that's left is a bunch of old guys who like to take their answers off the air, out. I'd like to see Rome focus solely on radio, where he's the most distinctive voice in sports. The TV show is just a good TV show... Kiley and Booms? I'm trying, I really am. It's that or the Dixie Chicks, who I actually kinda like now. Martina McBride too. Faith Hill I can take or leave, but I think it's cool that she's married to Tug McGraw's son. Where was I? Oh yeah, Booms. I think it's Booms. Don't really know which is which. Anyway, it's mostly Britney Spears' nipples, nude WNBA stuff, and Kevin Costner and Cal's wife. Lately a lot of war stuff. Not a lot of sports, but I'll keep trying. As long as they rail on Bud Selig periodically and limit the hockey, I'll keep trying... Over at XTRA, things are about the same. Hacksaw is still Hacksaw and could use some perspective, Chris Elho and John Kentera are great, and the Mighty Ducks are a waste of air time. A little too much about Billy's travel plans and being "supine" all the time, but I love the Cannons...Rick Monday quote of the week: "Astacio is going for his fourth straight win, and fifth in the last five." OK, so it's not from this week, and yes, I save them... "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" isn't. But to be fair, none of these round table cable shows does much for me... Steve Grad is pretty savvy. Smart guy. I like what I see there... Heard some announcer mutter something recently about a guy hitting a "solo double..." Ross Newhan is a Hall of Famer, but he's more gloom and doom than he needs to be. Things are never as bad as he says they are. Bill Shaikin is a good addition to the baseball staff... I've learned my lesson TJ, I won't mess with you again. You win... Before I go, one more Mondayism. He uses this one a lot, and it's subtle, so listen closely. "Floyd is not exactly fleet of foot, but he does have good running speed." More next time... Vinny, you're the greatest.... Howard Cole
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